Going on a trip usually means you have something to look forward to. New places and experiences, getting out of the daily grind, and general excitement come with your planning.
But sometimes, the reason or destination for our travels is less-than-thrilling. Maybe you’re heading to see family you know tends to be stressful, or you’re on a work trip instead of doing something fun.
Whatever the reason, you’re stuck going, and you flat out don’t want to. Instead of being miserable the whole time, use these tips to make the best of your time away, no matter where you’re headed.
1. Update Your Playlist
Music lovers know that the right song can make anything better or worse. What’s on your playlist? Will it pull at your sad emotions or jumpstart your adrenaline and get you moving?
Before you head out, search for your favorite upbeat songs and create a playlist full of them. If you can’t think of any, do a quick search online, and you’ll find hundreds of suggestions.
Oprah has a list of “27 Happy Songs to Play When You Just Want to Feel Good,” and Parade created a compilation of “75 Happy Songs to Feel Great.” Scroll through the suggestions and add them to a playlist.
If you have the free version of your music platform, consider signing up for the free trial and getting the full version for your trip. You can always cancel when you get back.
2. Start Some Virtual Games
Are you unhappy about the trip because you don’t want to leave your friends and family behind? You live in the 21st century, so even though they’re “out of sight,” they never have to be out of range.
Set up some virtual games you can play at your convenience to stay connected. There are hundreds of options, depending on whether you want two-player or multiplayer, free or paid, strategy, for-fun, knowledge games, etc.
Some crowd favorites to download on Android and Apple operating systems, then share with your friends, include:
- Codenames
- Skribbl
- Mario Kart Tour
- UNO!
- QuizUp
You have more options if you don’t mind paying a few dollars for a subscription. You’re not out of luck if you want free games, though. There are plenty to choose from to avoid boredom and stay in touch with your favorite people.
3. Got MMJ? You Don’t Have to Leave It Behind (Completely)
If you’re heading out of state, you’re likely bummed about leaving your weed stash behind. Yes, even with a legal, medical marijuana card, cannabis is illegal when transported over state lines.
Staying on the right side of the law doesn’t have to mean going without your MMJ.
Planning carefully lets you buy what you need to last until your trip out of your month’s supply from your local dispensary. Then, if the state you’re visiting allows out-of-state purchases at its authorized dispensaries.
State laws vary, but driving with an open weed container in the car is prohibited. Check with your state’s guidelines before you drive anywhere with marijuana in the vehicle, even if you’re not crossing a border.
Driving under the influence of cannabis is always illegal. However, if it’s in your possession as a passenger and you’re pulled over, you might be off the hook as long as you have your MMJ card and you’re in your home state.
4. Try to Schedule Something Fun Into the Trip
No matter how much you dread your upcoming work or family trip, it doesn’t have to be entirely boring.
Take a few minutes to research the area you’re headed to and what’s around it. Is there something you’d like to do that you can squeeze into the itinerary?
Look over your schedule, and see if you can fit it into the plans somewhere. It might mean booking a rideshare or using public transportation to get there, but it will be worth it if you have an attraction, an event, or even a restaurant to look forward to.
Life is full of a mix of pleasure and responsibility, but this trip on your horizon is more of the latter. However, with these simple tips, you can feel better about the time you’re spending in your travels and add a little enjoyment to the agenda.