The blisters that develop on our hands and fingers during the winter months can be really annoying. If you have ever suffered through a severe blister outbreak, then you know exactly how uncomfortable they can be. They also affect our moods because the constant itching and pain are a big distraction from our outdoor activities and fun celebrations. However, did you know that there are some things you can do to prevent blisters in the winter? Here are some top tips for all year round blister prevention.
Stay out of the cold weather and avoid sitting in the sun for prolonged periods of time
One of the best ways to prevent blisters is to stay out of the cold weather and avoid sitting in the sun for prolonged periods of time. While this sounds difficult, especially during the colder months, it is actually very easy if you follow a few simple steps. The first step in preventing blisters in the wintertime is to wear a good pair of gloves when doing chores or other physical work in extreme weather.
Make sure to thoroughly wash your hands always
When sitting in the sun, your hands become very dirty. In order to prevent your hands from becoming dirty, you should always make sure that they are thoroughly cleaned every time you get out of the shower or get out of the house. This includes washing them as well as rinsing off the soap or cleanser. By keeping the skin on your hands clean, you will help it from becoming irritated and inflamed which is the root cause of blisters.
Consider using moisturizer on your hands
Another tip for preventing the development of blisters during the cold weather is to always make sure that your hands are moisturized. This may sound complicated but you would be surprised at just how moisturized your hands are during the winter. All of the dirt and grime that gets left behind throughout the day eventually works its way down into your hands. Your hands become dry and flaky because of this build-up. By using a good moisturizer twice a day, you can keep your hands soft and moist which prevents them from becoming sore and irritated.
To ensure that your hands remain properly moisturized you should also avoid the use of detergents and other harsh chemicals. It is especially important that you refrain from washing your hands too often. Each time you wash your hands you damage the cells in your hands and open them up to the development of blisters. The best way to encourage blister prevention in your hands is to never ever wash them with soap unless it is going into your mouth.
Remember to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
Another simple tip for preventing blister development in the winter months is to drink plenty of water. Water helps keep your body and skin hydrated. When your body stays hydrated, it is less prone to getting colds and flu. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water will help prevent the development of these colds and flu. You should visit to know more about how you can prevent blisters all year round.
When in cold temperatures, consider wearing gloves
When you are outside in cold temperatures, especially on a cold day, you should always wear gloves. Make sure that your gloves are the right thickness and fit comfortably over your hands. Thin gloves will trap moisture against your skin, which can cause the onset of colds and flu. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after any contact with anything outside. If you find yourself getting sick frequently or if your hands start to get really cold, make sure to visit your doctor to rule out anything else.
Although most people think about blister prevention only in the winter, this is a mistake. You should also consider prevention methods no matter what season it is. Properly cleansing your hands will help prevent the formation of blisters in the winter. Washing your hands frequently will also help prevent the spread of bacteria. If you follow these tips for all year round blister prevention then you should be able to enjoy the season without the pain or discomfort of blisters.