Do you know how to charge your phone in the car? Do you know how to use the map function on your smartphone? Do you know how to adjust the air conditioning? If not, there’s a good chance you’re missing out on some important car utilities.
What are car utilities and what do they do for drivers?
When most people think about car utilities, they think about things like oil changes and tuneups. But there are other important car services that drivers should be aware of. Car utilities include things like car theft protection, roadside assistance, and collision damage mitigation. All of these services can help make sure that you’re safe when driving, no matter what happens.
Understanding your car battery
A car battery’s lifespan is typically around 3 years. It works by supplying power to the car’s electronic systems, such as the ignition and headlights. You can check your battery’s health by looking for a “cold” or “hot” reading on a voltmeter. A cold reading means that the battery is fully charged, while a hot reading means that the battery needs to be recharged.
Understanding your car’s oil
The lifecycle of an engine is a series of events that occur over time. Each event plays a role in how efficiently the engine functions and lasts for a specific amount of time. There are six major events in an engine’s lifecycle: cold start, running, cruising, idling, braking, and rest. Knowing your car’s oil lifecycle can help you keep your engine running smoothly and prolong its life.
Knowing your car’s coolant system
The purpose of coolant is to keep a car’s engine and other parts from becoming too hot. It does this by transferring heat away from the car’s engine. Coolant is also important because it helps lubricate the car’s moving parts. If the coolant system fails, the engine could overheat, which can lead to serious damage.
Keeping tabs on your car’s air conditioner
Are you sure your AC is working properly? Is it blowing cold air, or is it making weird noises? Don’t worry, there’s a lot you can do to keep an eye on your car’s AC and make sure everything is running smoothly. Here are some tips on how to keep tabs on your car’s AC and when it may need service:
First and foremost, always check the temperature reading from the AC unit itself. This should be around 88 degrees F (31 degrees C) or higher. If the reading is lower than that, it might be time for a service call.
If the temperature gauge reads high but the AC unit isn’t cooling your car down as much as it should, there might be an issue with the compressor.
Final Words
Car utilities can be a hassle, but they’re also necessary for keeping your car running smoothly. Make sure to keep an eye on your battery, oil levels, and other car essentials to make sure your vehicle stays in good condition.