Medical marijuana can include both CBD and THC, the two most commonly known compounds found in plants in the cannabis family. Both of these compounds bind to the cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system. When THC connects, many people feel a sense of euphoria or “high,” while CBD generally promotes a sense of calm.
What Pain Do You Need to Treat?
Some people who use CBD for pain find that a larger dose makes them sleepy. If you can’t sleep because of chronic pain, this level of CBD is therapeutic. If you need to be awake, that sleepiness is an unfortunate side effect. To make sure that you are addressing your pain effectively, consider starting your dosage at 1 mg per 10 pounds of body weight.
If this dosage reduces your pain but doesn’t make you sleepy, reduce your dosage until it doesn’t handle your pain. One of the biggest benefits of medical marijuana over opioids is that you won’t develop a tolerance for cannabis. Set your dose and stick with it.
Determine Your Delivery Method
You can take medical marijuana in a variety of ways. For the quickest dosage, a sublingual or under the tongue dose of edible oil is quite quick and popular with folks looking for deeper rest.
You can also enjoy a quick impact by using a vaping pen. Vaping pens are an ideal tool when you need to microdose. If you need to be awake and focused, you can take a 1 or 2 puff microdose to soothe irritated nerves or inflamed tissues.
A topical lotion, cream, or roll-on can be used on sore joints, sore muscles, or skin-related pain. Many sufferers of psoriasis and fibromyalgia get relief from a medical marijuana bath bomb or skin spray as well.
Edible gummies and capsules will take a longer time to impact your pain, but stacking an edible gummie with a sublingual dose can extend your relief. Taking an edible gummy with a meal that includes healthy fats can be a simple way to enjoy a slow release of medical marijuana.
You can also purchase medical marijuana CBD isolate in powder form. This can be added to smoothies, your glass of iced tea with lunch, or your afternoon fruit juice. Like other edibles, this method will take time to work, but you can stretch out the impact of your dosage.
Never use one product for another dosage. Just as you would never ingest a skin lotion, make sure you purchase edible grade product for your sublingual dose and never put it in a vaping tool or on your skin. Vaping liquid should never be taken under the tongue or in food.
Determining the Most Effective Dose for You
Because there are still many folks who disparage medical marijuana, you may want to get your product via dispensary delivery so you can maintain your privacy. Get yourself a journal or a notebook and start tracking your dose, the dosage method, and your results.
For example, if your pain is most problematic when you’re trying to sleep, you might start with a sublingual dose under the tongue. Take this right before you plan to go to bed; if possible, be ready to brush your teeth as soon as you take your dose. If your pain generally keeps you awake or wakes you in the night, track how sleepy you feel and the last time you looked at the clock if you remember. Note when your pain woke you up.
If you’re only sleeping an hour or two before you wake up, add a gummie before you take the sublingual dose. Track your results to see if your sleeping time can be extended. Use a vaping tool or a skin topical for daytime pain management. Look for low dosage gel caps and take them after your lunch Track your pain level as the afternoon progresses.
If you develop diarrhea, back off your dosage. Overdose is highly unlikely, but your gut will let you know if you’ve had too much medical marijuana.
Many who have had good results managing their chronic pain with medical marijuana have tried a lot of other products before using cannabis. Those who are dealing with the frustration of chronic pain are celebrating the option to lower their pain without opioids.