Since the popularisation of smoking substances, glass pipes are an integral part of the smoking experience. Glass pipes are one of the most widely used smoking items worldwide. These pipes have been around for a long time now, as evidence dates their use back to the 16th century.
Glass pipes are used all over the world for different smoking purposes. This has led to many variations in the pipes’ design, features, and function. The variations in glass pipes are endless, you can buy gender-oriented pipes such as glass pipes for girls or boys separately, or you can even buy a glass pipe shaped like a flower or even a wave. There are a lot of quirky and fun options in the market for glass pipes.
Smokers prefer glass pipes over other materials because it is a non-toxic material and clean to smoke from. When you smoke from a glass pipe, it does not emit any toxic fumes or vapors.
Here are some common types of glass pipes that smokers prefer
- Spoons
This is not to be confused with your kitchen spoon. Spoons are very simple in shape, but the colors and other details are highly customizable. There is a small bowl at one end to pack your stuff, and on the other end, there is a mouthpiece for inhalation of smoke. Adjacent to the bowl, there is another hole to control the airflow inside the spoon. You can control the concentration of smoke inside the pipe by covering or uncovering the tiny hole adjacent to the bowl.
- Bongs
Bongs gained popularity in the ’70s during the hippie era. They are a type of glass pipe that has an inclusion of a water chamber. The water helps to cool down the smoke and produces more smooth and dense smoke. Unlike spoons, bongs are available in different shapes and materials; from themed bongs to gender-oriented glass pipes for girls or boys, there are ample designs to choose from. But, glass bongs are considered the cream of the crop in the smokers’ community.
- Bubblers
Bubblers are a recent innovation as they are a cross between a spoon and a bong. They are as petite as a spoon but function as a bong because of a small water chamber. However, bubblers have a different use case. Unlike the spoon or a bong where you pack the substance in the tiny bowl, you place a rolled tobacco in the bubbler, light the tobacco and inhale from the opening of the water chamber.
- Chillums
Their functionality and use-case is similar to the spoon, but chillums are long cylindrical glass pipes with holes. Instead of a bowl for keeping the substance, chillums have an open enclosure. You simply pack one end of the chillum with the substance of your choice and inhale the smoke from the other end. There is no mechanism for any kind of airflow control, so that might cause a burning sensation while smoking. Some economical versions of chillums are made with clay and ceramic.
Chillums are more prevalent in the East as they are a go-to smoking accessory for many Afghan tribes.
Most of these popular types of glass pipes are economical and easy to use. But, consider your use case and the size of pipe you require before purchasing any.