In this era of emerging Asian drama, a new addiction has been born. The addiction of beginning to live a story and never wanting it to end. A fantasy story that becomes more beautiful than reality. An escape world one looks forward to entering from the beginning of a working day.
A lot of dramas we watch these days are so long that characters start mixing up. Moreover, at a certain point, the storyline becomes so obvious that the thrill it once had is no more. If not, the plot becomes stretched and irrelevant, boring the audience.
But most of the time, this stretch is necessary to put into place all that has been told in the story. So, people stick around till the end just to see if what they expected even happened. If the audience is impressed, you are a hit! If the audience is disappointed, you may either get another chance or will most probably be fired from the documentary film proposal world.
This short article is about a short drama series Nevertheless. How did this short story gain popularity? Read till the end to find out.
What is this drama?
Dramacool Nevertheless is a completed Korean drama released in 2021. It was created by Kim Garam, who created the drama based on a webtoon of the same name; Nevertheless. Now, mostly when a film or drama is made from a storybook, it is not that long. That is the case here as Dramacool Nevertheless has only 1 season, comprising of 10 episodes. The author of the webtoon may have been able to stretch the comic as much as possible, but the creator of this Korean drama managed to complete the story in only 10 episodes.
The drama Dramacool Nevertheless is a romance story between two people. But wait, it isn’t that simple. This story revolves around skeptical love between a man and a woman who have no intention to commit whatsoever. The gradual attraction that developed in Dramacool Nevertheless has a huge role in making the drama a successful one.
The story of Dramacool Nevertheless is about a woman who has recently had a devastating experience with her ex. The heartbroken woman swore never to fall in love again and continued with her life. Then came a playboy who loved to flirt around but had no intention of entering a serious relationship. When fate combined both characters, gradual change in emotions took place. Now I won’t spoil the end for you guys. You will have to watch the drama yourself to know what happened next.
This short story gained popularity because of the efficient way it summed up the plot. The story sounds typical at first, but it is an inspiration to those who have lost hope in love. Just when you think life can’t get any worse, your knight in shining armor will give a flashy entrance. So just have fate in things you cannot handle with your actions.